domingo, 18 de mayo de 2008

To each his own shit...

Who said that Chile would save me from bad weather? Of course Chile sounds much better than Canada as far as weather is concerned, but surprisingly enough, it depends of the point of view...
From Valparaiso to Punta Arena, the weather... simply sucks from April to ... I still don't know, but at least September. I have been living in an intense, cold, and humid fog for 1 month now, and it seems to get worse and thicker everyday. The temperature never goes below zero degrees Celsius, but humidity makes this cold almost comparable to Montreal's. At least, one can see the sky and the sun during Montreal’s winter, here we don't...
Well I'm being rude, but i just wanted to stress that sometimes we complain too quickly about the weather we are used to experience, and one may think to be better off in almost every other part in the world. The truth is that almost every climate has its downside.

Yours truly

A frog in a fog

1 comentario:

Marie dijo...

Same about Buenos Aires! I'm freezing in my room! I'm still wondering why i left my so warm clothes in Montreal!!! :(